What is rust? It is an iron oxide that is formed when there is metal, air and water mixed together in the right circumstances. Usually, metals that are used outdoors have some type of coating or are made out of an alloy that is rust resistant, but this doesn’t mean that it isn’t a concern. Something as simple as a scratch on a metal surface can create ideal conditions for rust to form. While rust might just be unsightly in some cases, there are other cases where it can be outright damaging to your home. Say, for example, that some of the rebar in your foundation gets exposed to the elements and starts rusting. This will cause the metal to expand and cause more cracks in the cement and lead to further rusting. Unless the process is stopped, it’s going to lead to the foundation cracking and cause structural issues. You need to be very thorough when removing rust, because leaving just a little bit of rust behind will lead to the process starting all over again.