Why is it that children are so fascinated with sticking things into wall receptacles? Maybe it is because they have observed you plugging in devices to power different appliances, or maybe something else, but whatever the reason, it could cost them their lives!

To protect them, there are different methods you can use. Naturally, your first step should be to let them know the danger, but depending on their age, this might be beyond their understanding.

Some use plastic caps to prevent access to the outlets, but to a persistent child, this is not a very sure prevention. A more reliable protection would be to install tamper resistant receptacles.

These operate with a spring loaded shutter that will not allow anything to be inserted into the receptacle on only one side. Instead, a two pronged plug needs to be inserted with even pressure for the shutter to slide away and allow entry. If you want to protect your children, this is a very worthwhile investment.