Do you rely on a septic system for your waste-water? It is quite common, especially in more sparsely populated areas where there is no option to connect to a municipal sewage system. If you are like most other homeowners, you probably aren’t too thrilled about the extra headache that a septic system can add, but if you do your part, your septic system shouldn’t cause too many issues, as long as it was installed properly.

To ensure that your septic system works without a hitch, you should have it inspected every 3 years and pumped every 5 years. If you have a large family or a lot of visitors, it might even be necessary to have the septic pumped more often than that. You should be aware of where your septic tank is located because you could damage it by parking or driving a heavy vehicle on top of it. You also need to be careful with what you flush down the drain since it can mess up the balance of bacteria in the tank and make it so your waste doesn’t get broken down like it needs to be.